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Lower school performance in late chronotypes: underlying factors and mechanisms - Scientific Reports
Success at school determines future career opportunities. We described a time-of-day specific disparity in school perfor...

Michael Breus et al. (2016)The Power of When: Learn the Best Time to do Everything

Genetically Proxied Diurnal Preference, Sleep Timing, and Risk of Major Depressive Disorder
This cohort study examines the association of genetically proxied morning diurnal preference with risk of major depressi...
Diurnal Preference and Grey Matter Volume in a Large Population of Older Adults: Data from the UK Biobank
Eveningness (a diurnal preference for evening time) is associated with a number of negative health outcomes and risk and...

Can a night owl turn into an early bird? By Tara Santora published April 18, 2021 https://www.livescience.com/can-night-owls-become-early-birds.html

Facer-Childs ER, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Bagshaw AP. Resetting the late timing of ‘night owls’ has a positive impact on mental health and performance. Sleep Med. 2019 Aug;60:236-247. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.05.001. Epub 2019 May 10. PMID: 31202686.

The efficacy of light therapy in the treatment of mood disorders: a review and meta-analysis of the evidence - PubMed
Many reports of the efficacy of light therapy are not based on rigorous study designs. This analysis of randomized, cont...
The Efficacy of Light Therapy in the Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials - PubMed
BLT can be regarded as an effective treatment for SAD, but the available evidence stems from methodologically heterogene...
Dose-response relationship between light exposure and cycling performance - PubMed
Light has a stimulating effect on physical performance if scheduled according to the chronotype, but dose-dependent effe...
The efficacy of combined bright light and melatonin therapies on sleep and circadian outcomes: A systematic review - PubMed
The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effects of combined melatonin and bright light therapies on imp...
Circadian rhythm disturbances in depression - PubMed
Recent progress in understanding chronobiological and sleep regulation mechanisms may provide novel insights and avenues...

This video is just “my consideration” based on above literature. Don’t take it seriously. This channel uses Amazon Associate links.

